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5 Health Tips For Seniors

Seniors discussing what foods to eat

As you get older your body becomes more immune to illnesses. As scary as it is, there are ways to prevent it. There is a saying that if you eat healthier from a younger age, it will only help you as you get older. While that may be true, it’s never too late to start…

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Three Technologies to Make A Caregiver’s Life Easier

Caretaker with an elderly senior patient looking at an ipad

Three Technologies to Make A Caregiver’s Life Easier Every day, thousands of Canadians spends their days in the role of caregiver. Many Canadians are non-professional caregivers, usually family members who are looking after a loved on. While the experience can be wonderful and rewarding, it’s not without difficulties. The nature of caregiving is emotionally and…

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5 Tips to Prevent Accidents in the Bathroom

Walk-in tub with UV technology and fall prevention

5 Tips to Prevent Accidents in the Bathroom Like it or not, you and your family spend a lot of time in the bathroom. Between nightly baths and frequent trips to use the toilet, there’s a lot of foot traffic coming in and out of this relatively small space. Considering how frequently the bathroom is…

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