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The Life-Changing Benefits Of Yoga For Seniors

Senior woman staying healthy and limber through regular yoga exercises

Every doctor you see tells you that that staying physically active is one of the most important keys to staying healthy as you age. You probably get around rather well for your age, but you may have a few limitations that keep stressful, physical activity more of an impossibility rather than a daily goal. Because…

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Stay Stronger, Longer, With These Nutrition Tips For the Elderly

This elderly woman holding an apple demonstrates the need for proper nourishment while aging

As we get older, everything around us changes. You may downsize your home for a more convenient lifestyle. Your social circle may change as friends and family members relocate or pass on. Even your body can just feel older, too, limiting your activities and everyday mobility. But, in the midst of all these major changes…

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5 Great Ways to Spend Your Retirement Years

Elderly couple have a great time spending their retirement years in part to walk-in tubs

  5 Great Ways to Spend Your Retirement Years   Your life leading up to retirement has most likely been filled with constant demands and obligations that forced you to put many forms of personal enjoyment on hold. Children’s schedules can be relentless. Work obligations can pull you in every direction sometimes, except for the…

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