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Senior woman staying healthy and limber through regular yoga exercises

The Life-Changing Benefits Of Yoga For Seniors

Every doctor you see tells you that that staying physically active is one of the most important keys to staying healthy as you age. You probably get around rather well for your age, but you may have a few limitations that keep stressful, physical activity more of an impossibility rather than a daily goal. Because of this, you do what you can to keep moving, but know you should be doing more. So, when you’re over 50, what exercises can you do to stay physically fit when treadmills, rollerblades, and gym memberships seem out of the question?

Stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and see lasting results in your health.

Remaining healthy and independent as you age is important. As the old saying goes, “You’re only as old as you feel.” For you, you might feel pretty old! But, taking control of your health may be easier than you may think. Paying close attention to your diet and nutrition is one simple way to add some life to your years. As always, for your health and safety, be sure to consult with your physician or a professional dietary nutritionist about any changes to your diet before you make them.

Yoga is actually a great way to stay physically fit, and improve your health, as you get older. Because yoga is a low-impact exercise that focuses on targeted areas of the body, the benefits of practicing the exercise in your senior years may far outweigh any hesitation that you may be feeling about the activity. As you get older, and your body begins to slow down, you may find yourself living with many different debilitating conditions that are linked to aging. Some of these common conditions include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Arthritis
  • Back pain
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Insomnia
  • Diabetes
  • Reduced joint flexibility

These medical concerns can certainly keep you from living the full, active life you desire. But, taking a yoga class designed for seniors is one simple way to put a little more vitality and life back into your years.

The physical poses and stretches that are a part of the practice, combined with relaxation and breathing techniques, have been shown to alleviate many of the symptoms to these conditions, and may actually improve your health in the long run.

Yoga’s various breathing and meditation techniques that you’ll learn have been connected to reducing anxiety, improving poor sleep patterns, calming moods, and improving lung problems. The various stretches and poses that are taught in yoga are connected to improving muscle strength and flexibility. This can reduce back pain and alleviate some symptoms of arthritis.

Getting started is as easy as locating an area yoga class created specifically for the 50+ crowd.  Check with your local senior center, YMCA, or any nearby yoga studio to learn which class is right for you.

Don’t push yourself to do more than you can handle. Find a yoga teacher that understands the physical limitations associated with ageing.

Not all yoga classes are the same, and your body might not respond in the same way as your friends’ as you get started. Be sure to find a teacher that is willing to work with you, listen to your limitations, and push you in a healthy manner as you continue on your journey toward physical and mental health. Your teacher should be able to help you:

  • Adapt poses as necessary to fit your limitations
  • Focus on poses that will affect common trouble areas for seniors
  • Avoid those poses that could cause serious injury for seniors

If you’re looking for a new avenue for introducing physical activity to your daily routine, yoga might be the perfect option for you. After consulting with your physician, get signed up for a class right away. It’s not too late to start, and the benefits may come faster than you can imagine. Take a Yoga class and get on your way to a healthier, happier, you.

About The Author

Beth Wallace is a Safety Specialist for Canadian Safe Step Walk-In Tub Co. She visits seniors at their homes and shows them how they can make their homes safer. Her goal is to make sure they have a better quality of life and to see that their wishes to stay in the home they love for the rest of their lives are granted.

About Us

Safe-Step Walk In Tub Company is committed to empowering North America’s senior citizens, as well as those individually suffering from the effects of disability and mobility impairment. For those who seek a therapeutic, high-quality bathing experience, we offer domestically produced walk-in bathtubs and walk-in showers tailored to their specific needs.