John Felts
John Felts is a WWII Veteran, police Officer for 30 years – now retired, a husband, a father. John’s daughter – Tina, unbeknownst to him, wrote a letter to the Safe Step Walk-In Tub Co. seeking assistance for her father. Felts, now 90, has lived a full life but not suffers from a variety of health issues from recent falls, including a broken leg and a broken back. The veteran and retired police officer’s biggest fear these days: bathing.
His doctor recommended a walk-in tub due to the therapeutic and healing benefits, but as a senior on fixed income, he is unable to afford the tub. Nashville-based Safe Step Walk-In Tub Co., which manufactures all of its tubs in Hohenwald, Tenn., has a national program of giving called Safe Step Cares, which routinely provides its state-of-the-art hydrotherapeutic tubs to those in need. The company is acting on the letter and Felts’ need. The company, which has provided a tub a month for two years running through the program, chose Felts as the area’s first recipient of the nationally- acclaimed program. He received the tub, installed, at no charge. Safe Step representatives were on hand for the donation.
“We received a letter from John’s daughter that touched the hearts of everyone at Safe Step, including its owner and founder Mike Duffer, who decided to surprise John with a free tub,” said Derek Farley with Safe Step Cares. “We are in the business of changing the lives of our neighbors and friends every day. We felt John had given so much to his country and his community that it was time to give something back to him. We were very pleased to provide him with this life-changing gift because Safe Step really does care.”
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