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Why Seniors should exercise?

Importance of workout for Seniors

Daily exercise is the key to a physically healthy life. Slowing down comes with age. As we get older, we tend to lose flexibility and mobility, our reaction times tend to slow down, and our endurance begins to wane.  Although this stage of life tends to hit seniors at different ages, it does affect everyone.…

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10 dating tips for Seniors

10 tips for dating for Seniors by Canadian Safe Step tubs

Dating in the prime of life can be a tricky subject for many seniors. Maybe you’re putting yourself out there for the first time after the passing of a spouse or partner. Maybe you’ve concentrated on your life and career and made little time for your personal life and now that you’re retired, you’re ready…

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5 Great Ways to Spend Your Retirement Years

Elderly couple have a great time spending their retirement years in part to walk-in tubs

  5 Great Ways to Spend Your Retirement Years   Your life leading up to retirement has most likely been filled with constant demands and obligations that forced you to put many forms of personal enjoyment on hold. Children’s schedules can be relentless. Work obligations can pull you in every direction sometimes, except for the…

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