Why Seniors should exercise?
Daily exercise is the key to a physically healthy life. Slowing down comes with age. As we get older, we tend to lose flexibility and mobility, our reaction times tend to slow down, and our endurance begins to wane. Although this stage of life tends to hit seniors at different ages, it does affect everyone.…
Lire la suiteConseils utiles pour la gestion de l’argent des personnes âgées
Entrer dans ces années d’or après la retraite peut être une période de la vie vraiment excitante pour les personnes âgées. Il est temps de voyager dans de nouveaux endroits, de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et d’explorer de nouvelles choses. Cependant, c’est peut-être aussi le moment où les aînés doivent faire face à certains des…
Lire la suiteIs It Time to Fall Proof Your Parent’s Home?
As she advanced through her 70s, Sahar Whelan’s mother became less and less mobile due to a heart condition. Eventually, her activity became so restricted she couldn’t get up to answer the front door. Bathing became a monumental challenge. “She had to sit on the edge of the bathtub with a seat propping her up…
Lire la suite5 Ways to Senior-Proofing Your Home
For many seniors like you, living independently in your home for as long as possible remains at the top of the list of absolute must-haves in life. Fall-proofing your home contributes greatly to it and studies show that aging at home keeps you healthier and stronger and that it improves your cognitive awareness during the…
Lire la suite10 dating tips for Seniors
Dating in the prime of life can be a tricky subject for many seniors. Maybe you’re putting yourself out there for the first time after the passing of a spouse or partner. Maybe you’ve concentrated on your life and career and made little time for your personal life and now that you’re retired, you’re ready…
Lire la suiteTechnology and Seniors: Why Computers and Social Media Are Your Friend
Do you shy away from computers? Are the keys on the keyboard too small; the letters on the screen impossible to see; the internet too confusing? Are you afraid that you’ll just mess everything up so you decide to stay away? Or, maybe you are okay with the computer, but the popularity of endless social…
Lire la suiteConseils de voyage pour les aînés: économiser de l’argent sur les aventures de la vie
Voyager dans le monde fait généralement partie des priorités de la plupart des gens avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. Malheureusement, les responsabilités professionnelles, les obligations familiales et le fardeau financier empêchent ou limitent souvent le nombre de voyages pouvant être effectué au cours de nos 30, 40 ou 50 ans. Mais une fois que…
Lire la suiteTaking a Step Toward a Pain-Free Life With the Proper Shoes
Life can be rough. This doesn’t change, even as we get older. Family relationships can be complicated, financial struggles can be burdensome, and even otherwise simple choices like when and where to go to dinner can create major headaches. Any opportunity to make life a little easier and stress-free is probably a welcomed gift. The…
Lire la suiteThe Life-Changing Benefits Of Yoga For Seniors
Every doctor you see tells you that that staying physically active is one of the most important keys to staying healthy as you age. You probably get around rather well for your age, but you may have a few limitations that keep stressful, physical activity more of an impossibility rather than a daily goal. Because…
Peu importe votre âge ou votre mobilité une expérience de baignade sûre et sans stress est à votre portée. Ne compromettez plus votre propreté, votre sécurité ou votre indépendance! Programmez votre consultation gratuite aujourd'hui. Un spécialiste de Safe Step attend pour vous parler.